Documents - Central Committee

121 documents on Central Committee

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  1. 20210128.9 Fishermen highlights to Central Committee

    Discussion document | 28-01-2021

  2. 20210128.8 Connectivity by Air & Sea

    Discussion document | 28-01-2021

  3. 20210128.7 Concept verordening afvalstoffen OLE 2021 acs

    Discussion document | 28-01-2021

  4. 20210128.7 Ban on single use plastic - questions

    Discussion document | 28-01-2021

  5. 20210128.5 Vastgestelde begroting 2021 en meerjarenbegroting 2022-2024 openbaar lichaam Sint Eustatius

    Discussion document | 28-01-2021

  6. 20210128.5 Budget 2020 Openbare Lichaam St. Eustatius 11122020 v. 3

    Discussion document | 28-01-2021

  7. 20210128.4 3e UVR en 2e begrotingswijziging 2020 OLE Def 12 dec 2020 _v4

    Discussion document | 28-01-2021

  8. Meeting of the Central Committee January 28th 2021

    The general public is hereby invited to a public meeting of the Central Committee on January 28 2021 at 2:00pm. This meeting will ...

    Publication | 18-01-2021

  9. Decision and commitment list meeting Central Committee January 14th 2021

    Discussion document | 14-01-2021

  10. Public notice - meeting central committee

    There will be a public meeting of the central committee in the V.A. Lopes Legislative hall on December 3rd at 3:00 PM.

    Publication | 27-11-2020