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  1. Organisatiebesluit Sint Eustatius 2019 (in Dutch only)

    Besluit van de regeringscommissaris van 10 december2019 no. 10 in plaats van het bestuurscollege van het openbaar lichaam Sint ...

    Decree, order or decision | 12-12-2019

  2. Besluit Begroting 2020 en Meerjaren begroting 2021-2023 (in Dutch only)

    Decree, order or decision | 12-12-2019

  3. OLE Budget 2020-2023

    We are pleased to presentthe budget 2020 of Public Entity Sint Eustatius(OLE), which also contains the multiyear budget for 2021 ...

    Budget | 11-12-2019

  4. Bijlage bij 4e voortgangsrapportage - Uitwerking criteria voortgangsrapportage (in Dutch only)

    Annual report | 05-12-2019

  5. 4e Voortgangsrapportage_Sint_Eustatius, 5 dec.'19 (in Dutch only)

    Annual report | 05-12-2019

  6. Letter of 5 December 2019 from the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations to the House of Representatives containing a progress report on St Eustatius

    In September1 I informed the House about the bill I am preparing to enable the gradual normalisation of administrative relations ...

    Parliamentary document | 05-12-2019

  7. Explanatory Notes Basic Island Ordinance Childcare Caribbean Netherlands

    Translation 'Memorie van Toelichting Basis Eilandsverordening Kinderopvang St. Eustatius'.

    Policy note | 04-12-2019

  8. Basic Island Ordinance Childcare

    Translation 'Basis Eilandsverordening Kinderopvang St. Eustatius'.

    Decree, order or decision | 04-12-2019

  9. Basis Eilandsverordening Kinderopvang St. Eustatius

    Besluit van de regeringscommissaris van 2 december 2019 no. 8 in plaats van de eilandsraad tot vaststelling van de Basis ...

    Decree, order or decision | 04-12-2019

  10. Memorie van Toelichting behorende bij de Basis Eilandsverordening Kinderopvang St. Eustatius ( in Dutch only)

    Memorie van Toelichting Basis Eilandsverordening Kinderopvang St. Eustatius

    Policy note | 04-12-2019