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  1. List of Decisions - week 14 Apr 06, 2021

    List of decisions week 14 of the meeting of the Government Commissioner of the Public Entity Sint Eustatius held on date April ...

    Decree, order or decision | 14-04-2021

  2. Vaststelling van het Prijzenbesluit olieproducten Sint Eustatius

    Ongenummerd besluit van de regeringscommissaris van 8-04-2021 in plaats van het bestuurscollege tot vaststelling van het ...

    Decree, order or decision | 12-04-2021

  3. 20210407 ENG version Proposal without draft decision Island council amendement ordinance faction support

    Discussion document | 12-04-2021

  4. 20210407 Answers to written questions K.Sneek Made in Statia agriculture

    Publication | 08-04-2021

  5. 20210407 Attachment response written answers K.Sneek Made in Statia Agriculture

    Publication | 08-04-2021

  6. 20210415 List incoming documents Island Council

    Discussion document | 08-04-2021

  7. 20210415 Raadsvoorstel wijziging Verordening Ambtelijke Bijstand en Fractieondersteuning Island Council

    Discussion document | 08-04-2021

  8. Meeting of the Island Council April 15th, 2021

    The general public is hereby invited to the public meeting of the island council which will be held on thursday,  15th april  ...

    Publication | 08-04-2021

  9. List of Decisions - week 13 March 30, 2021

    List of decisions - week 13  of the meeting of the Government Commissioner of the Public Entity Sint Eustatius held on date March ...

    Discussion document | 06-04-2021

  10. Address to the Statian Population Marnix van Rij Easter Sunday 2021

    Audio clip | 04-04-2021