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  1. Request collection of waste St. Eustatius

    The ‘Afvalstoffenverordening Sint Eustatius’ requires each person or entity that wishes to make use of this ordinance to be in ...

    Form | 12-03-2021

  2. Request form permit to break up or damage the pavement or road surface

    Conform article 2.6.2 of the “Algemene plaatselijke verordening Sint Eustatius”, it is prohibited to: Construct a road, ...

    Form | 12-03-2021

  3. Request business license St. Eustatius (V.O.F.)

    The ‘Business Establishment Act BES’ (Wet Vestiging Bedrijven BES) requires each person (s) or entity that wishes to establish a ...

    Form | 12-03-2021

  4. Request business license St. Eustatius (s.p.)

    The ‘Business Establishment Act BES’ (Wet Vestiging Bedrijven BES) requires each person (s) or entity that wishes to establish a ...

    Form | 12-03-2021

  5. Request Business License St. Eustatius N.V/B.V

    The ‘Business Establishment Act BES’ (Wet Vestiging Bedrijven BES) requires each person (s) or entity that wishes to establish a ...

    Form | 12-03-2021

  6. Building permit application form

    According to the “Vromwet BES / Bouw- en Woningverordening 1984”, it is prohibited without a license to establish a building, to ...

    Form | 12-03-2021

  7. Decision and commitment list meeting Central Committee March 11th 2021

    Discussion document | 11-03-2021

  8. List of Decisions - week 09 March 2, 2021

    List of decisions week 02 of the meeting of the Government Commissioner of the Public Entity Sint Eustatius held on date March ...

    Discussion document | 11-03-2021

  9. List of Decisions - week 08 Feb 23, 2021

    List of decisions week 08 of the meeting of the Government Commissioner of the Public Entity Sint Eustatius held on date Feb 23, ...

    Discussion document | 11-03-2021

  10. 20210311.5 Presentatie technical briefing criteria 2.0 point 2 Restoration Act Legal Affairs update ordinances

    Discussion document | 11-03-2021