
1,229 documents

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  1. Hindervergunning EJL Services BV (in Dutch only)

    Permit | 12-10-2020

  2. Letter: Procedure for requesting written autorizations

    In this letter information about the procedure for applying for procedure  for requesting written autorizations with respect to ...

    Letter | 07-10-2020

  3. Brief: Procedure aanvraag schriftelijke volmacht (in Dutch only)

    Information about the procedure for applying for a written power of attorney in connection with the island council election on ...

    Letter | 07-10-2020

  4. Brief van de gezaghebber van St. Eustatius over het wetsvoorstel Tijdelijke bepalingen in verband met maatregelen ter bestrijding van de epidemie van covid-19 voor de langere termijn (Tijdelijke wet maatregelen covid-19) (Kamerstuk 35526) ( In Dutch Only)

    Letter from the Government Commissioner of St. Eustatius on the Temporary Act on Measures Covid-19. In Dutch only. (Parliamentary ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to parliament | 06-10-2020

  5. List of Decisions week 40 2020

    List of decisions of week 40 of the meeting of the Government Commissioner of  the Public Entity Sint Eustatius held on date ...

    Policy note | 06-10-2020

  6. Tussentijdse rapportage ivm verkiezingen Sint Eustatius, d.d. 5 okt.'20 (in Dutch only)

    Annual report | 05-10-2020

  7. Progress report on elections in St Eustatius

    Letter of 5 October 2020 from the State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Raymond Knops, to the House of ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to parliament | 05-10-2020

  8. Kamerbrief tussenrapportage verkiezingen Sint Eustatius 2020 (in Dutch only)

    State Secretary Raymond Knops sends the Senate and House of Representatives an interim report in connection with the upcoming ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to parliament | 05-10-2020

  9. Press Release Update COVID-19 new ordinance Oct 1 2020

    Press release | 02-10-2020

  10. Emergency Ordinance COVID-19 St. Eustatius October 2nd, 2020

    Decree, order or decision | 02-10-2020