Documents - COVID-19
69 documents of COVID-19
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Emergency Ordinance COVID-19 St. Eustatius October 16th, 2020
Ordinance of October 15th 2020, no 896/GEZ, containing additional rules for the prevention of the further spread of the ...
Brief van de gezaghebber van St. Eustatius over het wetsvoorstel Tijdelijke bepalingen in verband met maatregelen ter bestrijding van de epidemie van covid-19 voor de langere termijn (Tijdelijke wet maatregelen covid-19) (Kamerstuk 35526) ( In Dutch Only)
Letter from the Government Commissioner of St. Eustatius on the Temporary Act on Measures Covid-19. In Dutch only. (Parliamentary ...
Travel and Quarantine policy of Statia from the 16th of September 2020
Emergency Ordinance COVID-19 St. Eustatius September 10th, 2020
Decree containing additional rules for the prevention of the further spread of the coronavirus / COVID-19 for the territory of ...
Emergency Ordinance COVID-19 St. Eustatius September 8th, 2020
Decree containing additional rules for the prevention of the further spread of the coronavirus / COVID-19 for the territory of ...
Emergency Ordinance COVID-19 St. Eustatius September 1st , 2020
Ordinance of 31 August 2020, no. 875/GEZ, containing additional rules for the prevention of the further spread of the coronavirus ...
Protocol voor de inzet van Personeel, tijdens de quarantaine periode voor Stuco (draft version in Dutch only)
Aanvraag bijzondere uitkering pilotproject veerdienst - (in Dutch only)
St. Eustatius Events Policy
Policy of July 31st 2020, no. 861/GEZ, regarding Events Policy on the island in light of the current coronavirus / COVID-19 ...
Emergency Ordinance COVID-19 St. Eustatius August 1st , 2020
Ordinance of July 31st 2020, no. 860/GEZ, containing additional rules for the prevention of the further spread of the ...