News - Social Affairs

72 news items of Social Affairs

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  1. Launch of 3x3 basketball on St. Eustatius

    St. Eustatius, The Basketball Committee and the Dutch Basketball Federation (NBB) are proud to announce a successful and ...

    News item | 07-02-2023 | 20:23

  2. MESSAGE SINGLE MOTHERS COCKTAIL Government Commissioner, Alida Francis

    I would like to thank the Social Support Unit for this initiative and for focussing on single mothers. My mother was a single ...

    News item | 03-11-2022 | 13:28

  3. Cultural Agenda for Statia

    A delegation of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science plans to visit St. Eustatius on 26 and 27 October to discuss ...

    News item | 19-10-2022 | 18:55

  4. Exchange visit for childcare on St. Eustatius

    From the 7th of October to the 21st, 4 pedagogical staff members and the director of Dutch childcare organization Op Stoom will ...

    News item | 05-10-2022 | 14:02

  5. Saba and Statia: ‘positive first year of sport collaboration

    SABA/STATIA — Swimming lessons, sports clinics, training for coaches and umpires and a stronger collaboration. This is the recent ...

    News item | 04-10-2022 | 18:26

  6. A modernised education system for Statia

    ~ Work officially begins on state of the art secondary school due to open in summer of 2024 ~ ORANJESTAD, St. Eustatius  –  The ...

    News item | 12-09-2022 | 21:03

  7. Government Commissioner Alida Francis Unveiling Building board New Construction Gwendoline van Putten School

    The construction of a brand-new building  to accommodate, students, teachers, educators, management and support staff of the ...

    News item | 09-09-2022 | 21:14

  8. Improve your financial wellness

    Plans are under way to assist those looking to improve their financial management skills. The Directorate  of Social Domain is ...

    News item | 14-07-2022 | 21:24

  9. Construction of new GVP school starts in August The project is jointly funded by the central government and the Public Entity

    News item | 17-06-2022 | 18:38

  10. Four million euro agreement signed to improve social housing in Statia

    News item | 16-06-2022 | 16:06