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  1. COVID-19 Update Sunday January 2nd, 2022

    Fellow Statian Residents, This is Government Commissioner Alida Francis with an update on the Covid -19 situation today Sunday ...

    News item | 02-01-2022 | 00:31

  2. A New Year’s Message Government Commissioner, Alida Francis St. Eustatius, January 1st, 2022

    Fellow Statian Residents, We have come to the end of a long and tumultuous year, a year that so many of us thought would never ...

    News item | 01-01-2022 | 02:39

  3. COVID-19 UPDATE Nr. 3

    Fellow Statian Residents, This is Government Commissioner, Alida Francis, with an update on the Covid-19 situation on St. ...

    News item | 31-12-2021 | 00:59

  4. COVID-19 UPDATE Nr.2

    Dear Statian Residents,  This is Government Commissioner, Alida Francis, with a second update on the Covid-19 situation on St. ...

    News item | 30-12-2021 | 17:29

  5. Message re-opening St. Eustatius Government Commissioner, Alida Francis December 24th, 2021

    Dear Residents of St. Eustatius,  For the past weeks Government has communicated its Long-term Strategic COVID ...

    News item | 24-12-2021 | 17:29

  6. Medical referrals to Colombia possible

    The Colombian Ministry of Health has announced the conditions that will allow access for patients from abroad who need medical ...

    News item | 22-12-2021 | 23:45

  7. Public service contract ensures connectivity

    SABA/STATIA—The two-year Public Service Obligation (PSO) between the Makana ferry operator and the Public Entities Saba and St. ...

    News item | 22-12-2021 | 23:05

  8. Statia introduces long term COVID-19 strategy

    The Public Entity St. Eustatius introduces its long term COVID-19 strategy on January 3rd, 2022 by further opening up its borders ...

    News item | 18-12-2021 | 13:06

  9. Statia removes 400 car wrecks

    Over 400 car wrecks and 35 tons of waste zinc were loaded on a vessel early this week and shipped to St. Maarten where they will ...

    News item | 17-12-2021 | 20:53

  10. De Nederlandsche Bank conducts rehearsal for functioning of Deposit Guarantee Scheme

    De Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch Central Bank, hereinafter DNB) will conduct a small rehearsal on 17 December to test the Deposit ...

    News item | 14-12-2021 | 17:47