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  1. Statia launches vocational training program for youngsters

    Financed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. The Public Entity St. Eustatius launched a Vocational Training Job ...

    News item | 09-09-2021 | 23:02

  2. Salary Budget Government Commissioners not exceeded

    Government Commissioners Alida Francis and Claudia Toet find it important to clarify questions about the second periodical ...

    News item | 09-09-2021 | 00:13

  3. New team Kadaster Statia presents itself to Government Commissioners

    The new team of Kadaster St. Eustatius was introduced to the Government Commissioners Alida Francis and Claudia Toet yesterday, ...

    News item | 07-09-2021 | 22:14

  4. Tender for hiring workers for Public Entity of St. Eustatius

    The Public Entity of St.Eustatius, the Procurement unit takes cares and manages all tendering process that relates to procurement ...

    News item | 03-09-2021 | 01:36

  5. Population forecast Caribbean Netherlands 2021-2050

    Corina Huisman and Coen van Duin Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has generated a new population forecast for the municipalities of ...

    News item | 02-09-2021 | 21:51

  6. Statians celebrate grand opening of new airport

    Many Statians celebrated the grand opening ceremony of their new airport last Friday, August 27th, 2021. The day was filled with ...

    News item | 30-08-2021 | 16:51

  7. Consultation Meetings

    The Government Commissioners Ms. Alida Francis and Ms. Claudia Toet will start with 15 minutes consultation meetings for the ...

    News item | 25-08-2021 | 18:39

  8. BES(t)4kids participates in twinning program with Haarlem

    In the following two weeks the BES(t)4kids program on Statia will participate in a twinning program with Haarlem in The ...

    News item | 24-08-2021 | 18:45

  9. Research vaccination preparedness in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom starts

    The Public Health of the various islands in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, in collaboration with the VWS, is conducting ...

    News item | 20-08-2021 | 22:22

  10. 41 contacts linked to imported COVID case test negative

    Forty-one out of forty-two contacts linked to the outbreak on Statia with a visiting journalist two weeks ago have tested ...

    News item | 20-08-2021 | 21:35