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  1. Four naturalize as Dutch citizens on Statia

    On August 18th, four Statian residents were naturalized as Dutch residents in a special ceremony presided over by Government ...

    News item | 19-08-2021 | 09:40

  2. Kick-Off: Professional Volleyball and Soccer coaches visit St. Eustatius

    Professional sports coaches from the Dutch Volleyball Association (NeVoBo) and the Royal Dutch Soccer Association (KNVB) are ...

    News item | 19-08-2021 | 01:34

  3. COVID-19 measures as of August 13th 2021

    Due to the current COVID-19 situation, mainly the high level of infections in the region, we still need to keep restrictions in ...

    News item | 16-08-2021 | 23:36

  4. Statia Prepares for Potential Tropical Cyclone Six

    Members of the Disaster Relief Team (Copi) which is the key players in the ESFs of St. Eustatius met today, Monday August 9th, in ...

    News item | 10-08-2021 | 02:37

  5. Public Entity St. Eustatius appoints two youth workers

    The Directorate of Social Domain of the Public Entity St. Eustatius has strengthened their approach on teenagers. The Unit ...

    News item | 09-08-2021 | 22:16

  6. Recent COVID-19 case referred to St. Maarten Medical Center. A second case confirmed.

    A Dutch journalist, based in Curacao (high risk country) came to St. Eustatius on Wednesday August 4th. The journalist was fully ...

    News item | 07-08-2021 | 17:27

  7. Public Health Department (GGD) is carrying out contact tracing as a result of a positive COVID-19 case

    The Public Entity St. Eustatius on Friday morning (August 6th) announced that the Public Health Department (GGD) is carrying out ...

    News item | 06-08-2021 | 20:16

  8. Statia registers a new positive COVID case

    After a period of almost 7 months of being COVID-19 free on land, the Public Entity St. Eustatius regrets to inform the general ...

    News item | 06-08-2021 | 19:00

  9. Statian youth 12-17 years old take 1st shot Moderna vaccine

    Accompanied by their parents and guardians the first group of Statian youth between the age of 12 and 17 years took the first ...

    News item | 04-08-2021 | 19:07

  10. Statia welcomes fully vaccinated tourists

    Third phase of opening up effective as of August 2nd 2021. The Public Entity St. Eustatius hereby reminds the community that as ...

    News item | 03-08-2021 | 00:40