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571 news items

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  1. Statia introduces electronic child database

    The Public Health Department will use an electronic child database as of tomorrow, June 1st. 2021. Using this electronic system ...

    News item | 31-05-2021 | 19:33

  2. Symbolic keys new airport handed over

    The Public Entity St. Eustatius received the (symbolic) keys of the new terminal building and the AFISO tower from the contractor ...

    News item | 29-05-2021 | 16:59

  3. Financed by Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management: Jeems road project enters maintenance phase

    The Jeems road project has entered into a six months’ maintenance phase. During this period minor repairs and other maintenance ...

    News item | 26-05-2021 | 00:44

  4. Statia improves public lightning

    The Public Entity St. Eustatius is improving public lighting for safety purposes. Repairs to existing lights and the placing of ...

    News item | 25-05-2021 | 21:23

  5. Statia further opens up its borders

    On Wednesday May 26th, 2021 the Public Entity St. Eustatius will further open up the island by introducing the second phase of ...

    News item | 24-05-2021 | 23:51

  6. New CAO and pension scheme for RCN civil servants

    On Thursday May the 20th, 2021, negotiators from the unions and RCN signed an agreement on adjustment of the pension scheme and ...

    News item | 20-05-2021 | 21:38

  7. Oasis Golden Rock Dive & Nature Resort - Golden Opportunity Graduation celebrated

    The Public Entity St. Eustatius, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the New Challenges Foundation and the Oasis ...

    News item | 20-05-2021 | 17:16

  8. Statia continues incentives for registered farmers - Condition: roaming animals to be removed

    Animal farmers that are registered at the Chamber of Commerce and who agreed with the Public Entity St. Eustatius to remove their ...

    News item | 19-05-2021 | 19:09

  9. Video: Visit State Secretary Knops and Opening of Road to Jeems Roundabout

    On Monday May 17, 2021 State Secretary Mr. Raymond Knops visited the Quill, the Golden Rock Resort, the archeological dig, the ...

    News item | 18-05-2021 | 10:42

  10. Reports of laser activity

    On May 14th, 2021 at around 8pm, while returning to St. Eustatius from Saba, the medevac helicopter crew was struck in the ...

    News item | 17-05-2021 | 22:10